These powerful methods is currently revolutionizing the way to prevent and rehabilitate injuries. Mirror image, strength, and balance is a system of exercises that integrates the traditional Rehab Method with modern research into neuro-musculo-skeletal dysfunction. This optimizes stability and confidence in a variety of movements. Be able to walk, run, and pick up things with ease.
What is exercise for stability?
Every person’s biomechanics and movement patterning are all slightly different. There are measurements to figure out every individuals normal. All sports and work require different skills and muscle activation. When it comes to injury prevention and skill development every persons needs are slightly different whether it is building an arch in a foot, putting in a foot lift to raise and level the pelvis muscles, or so much more!
How does mirror image exercises work?
With mirror image you train the core muscles around your spine. The focus of mirror image exercise is solely on you and we will make sure that you are maintaining the best technique possible. With that you can recover from your condition as soon as possible. Mirror image exercises are aimed at the appropriate level for you and your pain and are progressed when possible and tolerated.